Wedstrijden voor jong en oud op snelle ijsbanen!


On Saturday 2nd March, 2019, we will organize the 15th Masters’ International Long Distance Races in Heerenveen, the Netherlands.

Masters can skate a 500m and one of the long distances: 3000m, 5000m and 10.000m. It is an official IMSSC competition, so on all distances the world records for masters can be beaten.

Sign up
Please sign up at the ‘competition management’ at the latest half an hour before start of the competition. The competition will start at 19:00. So sign up before 18:30! The competition management will be on the press box, just above the finish of the 500m.

In each ice preparation after the long distances, you can pick your official ‘LDR2019 Certificate’ upstairs above the press box (above the 500m finish).


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